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Tuesday, July 13, 2010


2012 (2009)
Columbia Pictures
Directed by Roland Emmerich
Starring John Cusack, Chiwetel Eijofor, Amanda Peet, Danny Glover, Woody Harrelson

Disaster master Roland Emmerich is back again with his latest big-budget popcorn flick, 2012, based on the Mayan prophecy that the world will end in 2012. Emmerich, known for other films such as Independence Day and The Day After Tomorrow, beefs up the action and is able to balance out a strong script with it. This film is no masterpiece, nor will it win any Academy Awards, but for what it is, it delivers on every promise. This is probably, besides Independence Day, Emmerich’s finest disaster film. The year is 2012, and the US government has discovered that the earth’s poles are about to shift, causing global chaos including tsunamis, volcanoes, and flooding. Fearing for the extinction of the human race, the governments of all countries build giant “arks” to keep selected individuals alive during the flooding. Meanwhile, author Jackson Curtis (Cusack) is camping in Yellowstone National Park with his children when he discovers a hotspot for devastation. Soon, he is on the run from nature’s fury and gets caught up with Dr. Adrian Helmsley (Ejiofar), who is the lead US scientist behind the operation.

The plot is simple and extremely unrealistic. But in these types of films, it’s all about the special effects and action, and not the plot or acting. The special effects of 2012 are simply amazing. Everything looks fantastic and realistic. The volcano explosions, the tidal waves, the earthquakes: all look as if they were taken from a Discovery Channel special. The action of 2012 is on par with other disaster films. It is pretty much the heroes running from a huge natural disaster and barely escaping in order to outrun the next one.

As with most of these types of action films, the acting and dialogue is somewhat laughable. John Cusack stars as the hero who saves his children and ex-wife from the apocalypse. His acting is very over-the-top and not needed. He doesn’t seem to fit into these types of films. I know that Emmerich wanted a different approach with an author as the hero, but other disaster films star big name action heroes such as Will Smith or Bruce Willis. Danny Glover plays the United States President believably. Unfortunately, he has little screentime and is not used to his full potential. Woody Harrelson plays a hippie scientist with a radio show who predicted the disaster, and is telling the world. He is barely in the film and is wasted. With such a fine actor as Woody, I would have thought he would have been given a bigger role.

2012 is a joyride that showcases Emmerich’s maturity with the subject. In recent years, he has toned down his films and included some reality and emotion instead of pure testosterone. This film shows that humanity will always find a way. Nature will not destroy the human race. By having some sort of message, even if it be simplistic, this shows that Emmerich has grown as a director. If Emmerich can do it, then maybe Michael Bay can be the next to show maturity, but I doubt it. 2012 has some very nice special effects and action sequences, but the plot is so jumbled and outrageous, it cannot be ignored. 2012 promises popcorn flick fun, and it delivers on every level.

Rating: C+

June 22, 2010

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